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Things To Do Before You Turn 60 Or Even 50

As we move into our Golden Years, whether we are taking care of ourselves or if we have been thrust into the role of caregiver, there are just some things that we should do for ourselves.

If you"ve heard of the movie The Bucket List, you"ll remember it"s about all of the things you should accomplish before you die. We believe there are things you can cross off your list that could just make you happier, healthier or wealthier.

Here are five things to consider before you turn 50, 60 or 70:

Cultivate friends that are younger than you are. Sure, it"s nice to be with your peers, but if they “act old" you will act old as well. Making friends with individuals younger than yourself may keep you young and will also open you up to new experiences and ideas.

Break a bad health habit. It is never too late to get healthier. If being healthier to you means losing weight, getting more active or stopping smoking, there is no time like the present. Any positive changes you make in your health whether you"re 50, 60 or 70 will pay long term benefits.

Start saving money. Yes, a financial planner will tell you that you should have started saving for retirement when you were in your 20s, 30s or 40s, but there is no reason you can"t start today setting aside money to use once you"ve retired. Having a retirement plan will help you enjoy your Golden Years without the worry of how you will pay the bills or keep food on the table. Start now setting aside money in an account specifically ear marked for your Golden Years whether it"s for daily living expenses or to finance that romantic cruise you"ve always dreamed of.

Forgive old hurts. In many families there is likely some long-simmering hurts or resentments; maybe you don"t even see your relatives because of them. Now is the time to forgive and forget. Nursing negative feelings can drain your energy. Reach out, take the first step and see what happens.

Have a team in place to help you with your finances, your health (both physical and spiritual) and potential long-term care plans. For many individuals, finding a trusted physician could be something they"ve had in place for decades, but an attorney or CPA may not have been front of mind; now is the time to begin searching for someone to help with your finances and with getting your legal issues in order (think Power of Attorney or wills). Prior to your needing it, talk with your family about what you hope to have happen when you can no longer age in place. Will you move in with a family member or into an assisted living facility? If you"re going to become the caregiver for aging relatives, how will that look and fit into your current lifestyle? These are all conversations that should be had prior to it becoming an emergency situation.

Chances are there are more items that you can add to your list of what needs to be done before you"re 50, 60 or 70 and that could include how, or whether you will be, able to age in place as you age. There are myriad ways in which to make this happen and having medical alert device installed in your home is just one of the things you will want to consider.

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