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Emergency Senior Care Checklist

When dealing with aging parents, there are many items to take into consideration related to their health and safety.

You hope you will never need to make use of an emergency checklist, but it"s a lifesaver and provides peace of mind in the event you ever do. Health emergencies are a fact of life and will arise at some point and the issues can be exacerbated by the number of medications they take, the number of doctors they see and the degree of chronic illnesses they suffer.

There are many things you can do to help alleviate some of the stress and one of those items is to equip your aging relatives" home with a medical alert device from LifeFone. With this home medical monitoring device you can rest assured that when an emergency arises, your relatives will be cared for. When setting up a home medical alert system you will provide the carrier with information and a complete medical profile so the provider is knowledgeable about your parent"s health conditions which will then be relayed to the medical emergency responders.

The following is a list of information you should keep in a convenient location in the event of an emergency:

  • A list of all medications being taken, where they are and what they"re being taken for. Make certain this list is updated when changes are made. This is also a great list for your parents to keep with them when they go to the doctor"s office.
  • Names, phone numbers and specialties of the doctors your parents see
  • Copies of medical insurance cards, Medicare cards, prescription plans and all identification numbers
  • Social security numbers and even copies of your parent"s driver"s license
  • Legal documents including: power of attorney, health care proxy and written documents on your parent"s wishes as they relate to resuscitation orders
  • Financial information such as bank account numbers, names of financial advisors and insurance policies
  • Names and phone numbers of individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency – along with their relationship to them
  • Contact information for clergy

Because you may be putting sensitive financial information and other information that could lead to identity theft, consider putting the paperwork in a fireproof, locking safe in an easy-to-reach location. Additionally, make a copy of all the information and give it to a trusted friend or relative to hold onto as well.

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