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New Technology Helps Caregivers

A study in June 2013 by the Pew Research Center studied 3,014 U.S. seniors and investigated the relationship between caregivers and their utilization of technology. It was found that most caregivers benefit from the use of computers, tablets, phones and medical alert devices and more!

Demographics and Trends

  • The 65+ population will grow from 12.4 percent in 2000 to 19 percent in 2030.
  • A past study found that 47 percent of aged seniors envision caregiving later on, which infers an increment as the populace ages.
  • Caregiving crosses all demographics, racial, sexual orientation, monetary, and so on. Forty percent of adult women work in a caregiving role, and 37 percent of men capacity in the part.

Primary concern: More seniors are caring for their friends and family. As children of post-war America age, these patterns will continue.

Secondary concern: Family’s are outfitting their loved ones with either a caregiver to help look after their senior or with a medical alert device, or both. The study found that caregivers and the family of aging seniors use technology to support their loved ones caregiver in four regions: They find medicinal and drug data, oversee prescription, computerize or improve errands (counting time it takes to do them), and join with other likeminded people online to discuss any information they may need.

Finding Medical and Drug Information

As we age many seniors develop medicinal issues; 75 percent of seniors have an interminable restorative condition, and 36 percent of seniors have overall wellbeing issues.

The main line of defense is creating an environment where the seniors’ issues are cared for, however, the study uncovered that caregivers depend all the more intensely on the Internet for data than the general populace  and 46 percent of caregivers attempt to evaluate a problem their loved one is having by using the Internet versus 28 percent of non-caregivers.

In the event that your caregiver uses the Internet for therapeutic and medication information, it’s imperative to utilize trustworthy sites and to understand that the data is only for informative purposes. For serious issues, be sure to consult a physician before making any life altering decisions. Examples of reliable medical websites are listed below but should not be a substitute for a physical exam:

  • The Mayo Clinic, which offers an indication checker, data on maladies and conditions, pills and supplements, and tests and techniques.
  • Center for Disease Control
  • The National Institutes of Health
  • College or University sites (.edu URLs)

Overseeing Medication

It is likely that your senior is taking numerous medications, and you may be responsible for overseeing the medications. The review indicated 39 percent of caregivers oversee prescription for their friends and family. Just 7 percent  oversee medications with an online device or cell phone application. However technology can help, and its more dependable than the “scrap of paper and kitchen clock" strategy.

For instance, the Alzheimer"s Association offers an app for the iphone. For $3.99, you can download the application, which oversees solutions as well as incorporates correspondence with relatives and specialist while also incorporating caregiving tips, and so forth. Google likewise offers a fundamental free Pill Reminder application for Android cell phones. Also, Walgreens and CVS offer free applications for prescription refills.

Streamlining Time Management

Time is in short supply, and you"re always juggling errands. Enroll relatives’ help with a Google Calendar. Set up a family schedule, and cut out time for yourself when others have the ability to step up and help you. Let the caregiver calendar help you convince others to do their part to help relieve you of the stress of caregiving.

Interacting With Others

With little time for social contact, you may feel segregated. It’s wise to discuss plans with others in comparable circumstances, and technology gives you a chance to unite with different caregivers across the country in online gatherings and social networking channels; it"s an incredible approach to discover help. Things like Facebook and Twitter can help caregivers connect with others and here are two examples:

  • Join a group at Caregiver Action Network to associate with other caregivers.
  • When you feel fatigued, restore balance with the intuitive Emotional Self-Help Toolkit from

Bringing technology into your every day routine can lighten the load of dealing with your senior"s needs; the Internet spares time and offers help.  New opportunities are advancing online constantly, so make certain to look for them and let these devices give you a bit more relaxation and time during your day!

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