Four Lost Arts That Are Making A Comeback
Gone are the days of canning/preserving foods, sewing, knitting, square dancing, barbershop quartets and so on. Or, perhaps not! In neighborhoods across the country, many lost arts are making a comeback. If you are an empty-nester, new to retirement, or would simply love a new thing to do, at Lifefone, we have highlighted four lost arts that are making a comeback.

Square dancing is a traditional American dance form that was very popular through the 19th century. Square dancing was relegated to the past, as many thought of it as something antique and old-fashioned. However, square dancing is fun to do, and is taught on the spot. One doesn’t need any special skills to square dance, just the desire to have fun. Square dancing is just a casual form of partner dancing consisting of endless amounts of arm-linking, twirling and swinging your partner. More importantly, it’s one of the easiest ways to simply let loose and get a fantastic aerobic workout; do-si-do style.
Barbershop Quartets are also popping up in towns across the country. Barbershop Quartets aren’t just unique because they perform without a single instrument. One of the special things is that their songs are tunes to which people relate. They tell stories. Whether it’s a story about a lost love, or stories of a bygone era, they are the kinds of stories told to connect the singers with the audiences.
Sewing is also making a comeback. Sewing disappeared off the radar for twenty years or so, but it now seems to feel a bit ‘cooler’ to sew. The sewing machines that were collecting dust in the back of many closets are being taken out, dusted off, oiled up and heading back into service. It’s very therapeutic to make something with your hands. There used to be a sort of stigma attached to wearing something ‘homemade’, now that trend is reversing to where those that wear ‘homemade’ clothing are doing so with pride.
Canning and preserving foods is also on the upswing. Kitchens are once again full of families and neighbors who gather together to ‘put up’ fruits and vegetables that they have grown themselves, or purchased at local farmers markets.
Whether you choose one of these lost arts, or a different one, LifeFone wants to make sure you are just a push of a button away from any necessary emergency personnel. With many options to choose from, we are confident one of our medical alert devices will fit your lifestyle.